Our Process
One - Complete the Prophetic Counseling Request Form
This is a brief assessment to identify the key reason(s) you desire to begin your healing and deliverance process. Upon thorough review of your request form, we will send you a confirmation message with a recommendation to book our counseling services or another recommended plan of action. Please note that completing this form does constitute a counselor-counselee relationship.
Two - Review/Sign our Counseling Agreement
One you have been recommended to begin our counseling services, you will receive our Prophetic Deliverance Counseling Agreement for review and signature. This agreement is both to protect our ministry and you, as counselee. An email will be sent with an attachment to access the agreement and you will be prompted to sign it. One of our ministry representatives will sign the agreement and then you will receive a copy for your records.​
Three - Book Your Introductory Call
After your completed Intake Packet is received by our ministry, you will receive a welcome email. Enclosed in the welcome email, you will discover an included date and time for an Introductory Call with Apostle Trilby Ball. This call will provide you with the opportunity to delve deeper into the intricacies of Prophetic Deliverance Counseling and contribute to fostering a sound counselor-counselee relationship.​
Four - Initial Counseling Session & Submit Payment
After your Introductory Call, you will receive an email with information about your initial counseling session. This email will include Part I of our Deliverance Questionnaire and the date and time of your upcoming session. Note: To prepare for your session, please be sure to set aside the appropriate amount of time in a quiet space to hear from God, to receive guidance from Apostle Ball, and to participate in your deliverance process. In addition, you will prompted to submit a suggested donation amount for your session. All donations are tax-deductible.
Pricing and Payment Disclosure Statement
Guard Your Heart Ministries, Inc. (GYHM) is a U.S. registered 501(c)3 ministry and therefore does not accept insurance or provide diagnostics or procedural codes for insurance billing. All counseling sessions with Apostle Trilby Ball are considered ‘ministry counseling’, not therapy. Due to the nature of the services provided, refunds of any donations made are not applicable.
Optional - Book Follow-up Sessions (if applicable)
At the conclusion of your initial counseling session, it will be at your discretion to request additional sessions. Additionally, at the leading of Holy Spirit, Apostle Ball will make recommendations for the success of your healing and deliverance process.