What is Prophetic Deliverance Counseling?
Prophetic Deliverance Counseling is one of the ministries we make available through Guard Your Heart Ministries, Inc. (GYHM). This dimension of ministry incorporates in-depth spiritual warfare strategies to help you mature as a growing Christian and experience a more intimate relationship with God. The idea of this experience is to bless each counselee with the truth, that the spiritual DNA of the Triune God, Abba Father, far surpasses the biological DNA of one’s parents/bloodline.
The Foundation
Guard your heart above all else, for it determines the course of your life.
Proverbs 4:23 (NLT)
Continue to work out your salvation [that is, cultivate it, bring it to full effect, actively pursue spiritual maturity] with awe-inspired fear and trembling [using serious caution and critical self-evaluation to avoid anything that might offend God or discredit the name of Christ].
Philippians 2:12b (AMP)
Counseling Sessions
All GYHM Prophetic Deliverance Counseling Sessions are held virtually via phone or private video calls. Before prospective counselees are able to book an initial session, there is a prerequisite to complete our New Counselee Intake Packet and subsequent questionnaire. More information can be be found by clicking here or the button below.
Prayer, Intercession & Fasting
The foundational weapons to secure revelation for direction.
Prophetic Counseling
To lead the counselee to past, present and future revelation to receive healing and deliverance.
Deliverance Dynamics
To give full disclosure of prophetic revelation to receive authentic deliverance.
Instructions to Maintain Deliverance
To develop a more intimate relationship with God, to cultivate a desire to praise and worship God daily, to repent quickly, to learn how to successfully wield the Sword of the Spirit (the Word of God), and to implement prayers, decrees and declarations as a lifestyle for holiness.
Apostolic Impartation
The counselee will receive impartation as directed by the Holy Spirit to assist in building/strengthening the soul and body to come into divine alignment for spiritual progression in the Kingdom of God.
Meet Your Counselor
Apostle Trilby Ball has been a ministerial leader, advisor, and trainer for over 20 years. As an experienced deliverance minister and counselor, Apostle Ball is known for her loving nature, apostolic wisdom, and prophetic acumen to guide individuals to their liberty and victory in Christ Jesus. Over the last 23 years, Apostle Ball has counseled many men and women of God to receive the children’s bread – true deliverance. Her working desire is to see God’s children living and operating in their authentic Christ-like identities.
Counseling Specialties include:
Healing from Traumatic Occurrences
Healing from Mother & Father Wounds
Breaking & Renouncing Generational Curses
Destroying Demonic Soul-ties
Breaking Household Witchcraft
Uprooting Evil Altars
What Past Counselees Say
“Counseling sessions with Apostle Ball were life changing and one of the best decisions I have ever made. Apostle Ball helped me understand and get to the root of several issues I had been dealing with and she equipped me with the language I needed to pray so these things could be uprooted and dismantled from my life and my bloodline. Apostle Ball brought clarity, wisdom, understanding and the FIRE of God in our sessions and my life is 100% better because of it!” Anonymous
“My life was at a standstill because of all the baggage, trauma, and unhealed soul issues that existed. For years, I went through life taking hit after hit, never allowing our Heavenly Father to get near my wounds. I thought that going to church and being a “good Christian” would suffice and get me some level of relief. However, relief wasn’t my reality until I fully submitted to God’s will for my healing and deliverance through Apostle Ball’s ministry counseling. Every session with Apostle Ball walked me further into my eternal freedom through Christ Jesus. I’m healed, I’m whole, and I can testify that I AM has truly delivered me!”